Members, please join us for December's Professional Support Circle, on Wednesday, December 7, 2022 6:30 8:00 p.m. AKST via Zoom.
Our special guest is Megan Dunn. Megan is an IBCLC and Health Educator who views infant feeding from an anthropological perspective and through a sociological lens. Her experiences have run the gamut as a volunteer, peer-to-peer support counselor, educator of all sorts, in-patient lactation counselor, and out-patient clinical lactation consultant. Currently she is working in Public Health as a Lactation Consultant and the Breastfeeding Peer Counseling Coordinator for an equity-based state expansion program. She is also privileged to be a part of the excellent team at Legacy as a Health Educator as well as continuing to provide community support as a private practice Lactation Consultant and infant feeding therapist in Oregon.
She is a research geek and has a passion for providing presentations full of emerging research and evidence-based practices which challenge biases, poor science, and outdated practices. Her special interest topics include the fascinating world of our microbiome, inflammatory health conditions, and providing trauma-informed perinatal care.
She will be presenting on lactation support for patients with large breasts/chests.
Abstract and bibliography: