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Breastfeeding Welcomed Here for Child Care Providers

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Breastfeeding Welcomed Here (BWH) for Child Care is a recognition program for child care sites that follow national breastfeeding and infant feeding standards. Being a BWH recognized site is a great way to show parents that you’re committed to helping families give their children the best nutritional start they can!


 A Breastfeeding Welcomed Here for Child Care site will:

  • receive a BWH window decal and certificate to display 

  • be listed on this website as a child care provider who supports breastfeeding


 To become a Breastfeeding Welcomed Here for Child Care site:

  • take the Go NAPSACC Breastfeeding & Infant Feeding Self-Assessment (see details in the BWH Tool Kit)

  • complete and sign the BWH Commitment Form

  • include a picture of your breastfeeding space and a copy of your breastfeeding policies


Submit your BWH Commitment form, policies and picture to


If you have any questions or comments, contact or 907-269-8447.


Below is a list of approved child care sites:

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